Brightstone Legacy Society | BrightStone

Brightstone Legacy Society

Please contact us
at 615-790-4888


Drop us a note to let us know you included BrightStone in your Will or named BrightStone as a beneficiary to a trust, life insurance policy, or retirement or investment account:

or contact:, Director of Development

1.   Doris Alexander
2.   Dr. Ogle & Terry Hall
3.   Becky Harrell
4.   Emily Magid
5.   Cindy & Brian Miller
6.   Willis Reynolds
7.   Ken Solesby
8.   Carol & James Weinberg
9.   Dottie & Dick Wells
10. Scott & Karen Ossewaarde
11.  Anonymous Donor #1
12. Anonymous Donor #2
(Your Name Here)



No matter your age, having a Will and plan for the future provides for your loved ones and for the organizations you care about, like BrightStone!

Your Planned Gift creates a legacy of giving both in your lifetime and beyond that will improve the lives of adults with disabilities and provide peace of mind to parents and family members.

Please contact us today to discuss your interest in making an impactful gift, whether given through tax-smart vehicles like donor-advised funds, stocks, or IRAs, or through a legacy commitment in a will or trust.

Many of our supporters give out of a donor-advised fund. Ask us about information on how other donors are using their DAFs to support BrightStone and make a greater impact.

Planned gifts, including Charitable Lead or Remainder Trusts, will ensure BrightStone has the resources to continue serving our community for decades to come.


BEQUESTS – A bequest is made through your Will by designating either a specific dollar amount or a percentage of your estate after other disbursements. Consult a qualified attorney or advisor to request the following language be added to your Will:

“I give and bequeath to BrightStone, Inc., P.O. Box 682966, Franklin, TN 37068, Tax ID 62-1783260 __ [a certain sum, a percentage or the remainder of the estate, or description of property] to be used where needed most, or as determined by BrightStone’s CEO and Board of Directors.”

BENEFICIARY DESIGNATIONS – Make BrightStone the primary or contingency beneficiary of non-probate assets, which transfer smoothly to the beneficiary. They include an insurance policy, investment account, 401(k) or other retirement accounts, or your Donor-Advised Fund (DAF).

RETIREMENT ASSETS – Did you know that your retirement assets may be taxed if you leave them to your heirs? As a charity, we are not taxed upon receiving your retirement plan assets from an IRA, 401(k), 403(b), pension or other tax-deferred plans. Making a planned gift of your retirement account will help sustain BrightStone.

NON-CASH ASSETS – Donating part or all of privately held business interests or real estate (a home, vacation property, undeveloped land, farmland, ranch or commercial property) are great gifts that would
benefit BrightStone. Your gift will be based on the property’s fair market value, which must be established by an independent appraisal. Please contact us in advance to discuss your desire to donate a specific non-cash asset.


In her lifetime, Emily Magid has accomplished a lot. She grew up in Nashville but found her home, and heart, in Franklin 26 years ago. “I care about the community, I really do,” she says. “I’ve been a part of most everything going on here”.

“I didn’t know about BrightStone until my friends, Marilyn and Calvin LeHew, asked me if I would like to go see some of the students and tour the property,” says Emily. But during her visit, she got that feeling in her heart when she walked through BrightStone’s doors. “Everybody is so in tune to sweetness, innocence, and happiness. It’s really an indescribable feeling,”

“My interest has always been partnerships, which allow people to get involved. They broaden horizons and the minds of people. Within minutes, I knew BrightStone was an organization that I wanted to fully partner with.”

Emily knew her intuition was right. “Love is what life is all about – truly. BrightStone loves people and they just hit your heart,” she says. “When your heart is glad, the world is good. After my first visit, I could see it and I could feel it. I knew this vision that BrightStone had was essential to adults with disabilities and their families in our community”.

Since becoming a Founding Partner of BrightStone’s Land of Dreams Capital Campaign that launched in 2017, Emily has seen BrightStone’s Land of Dreams go from a vision to reality. “It’s just been a great ride and it’s so exciting to see the whole dream come to fruition,” she states. “It didn’t happen overnight, and it didn’t happen by just one person. It takes everybody to make some big dreams like this come true.”

When it comes to giving, Emily has two rules. “First, you can’t take it with you. When I die, I want what’s left to go to places that mean so much to me. That’s why I added BrightStone to my Will, to help them establish an endowment,” she says. Her second rule is that to give you must give from the heart. “It doesn’t matter how small or big a donation is. Giving is not a competition. It’s just a sweet thing that makes the world a better place. Long after I’m gone, BrightStone will still be here and that is the only thing that matters – not who did what.”

“My family may all be gone now, but now I get to pick my family – and I picked BrightStone as being a part of my family and life.”

When thinking about BrightStone’s need for awareness, Emily says, “I just want to grab all my friends and everyone in the community by the hand, call BrightStone and say, ‘we’re on our way – I’m bringing friends for a tour!’ I believe in BrightStone that much.”


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